By Quini Team April 23, 2020 Comments Off on Why going virtual is the only way for wineries in these new times

In the last month the entire wine industry has shifted dramatically towards large increases of DTC sales. People are no longer able to visit the wineries in person, making the communication with the end consumer even more difficult than before.  This is why understanding your consumers is key to building a long-lasting positive relationship, by driving up the lifetime value of each fan and wine club member.

Here are three highly effective ways to reach this goal:

1. Learn about your consumer individual tastes and preferences

This will allow you to tailor your offers to the likes and taste preferences of your consumers. Instead of sending out the same promotion to all your consumers and fans. For example, you could offer John the Pinot Noir that he loved, while for Julie you can offer a promotion for the Rose, since you already know it’s her favorite. This will help extend your wine club retention rates, and bring you more returning customers.

2. Engage consumers through digital platforms

Although this might be a new world to many wineries, digital content and discussion with your consumers is crucial at this time, to keep your brand top of mind. Quini’s wine tasting and rating platform turns virtual tastings into a hands-on experience, allowing users to rate and compare their assessments and provide you with the added benefits of peer to peer marketing, by helping consumers to share their reviews on social media with their families and friends.

3. Improve your wines and commercial success rates

The sensory data you receive from such tastings will help you re-think and re-strategize your wine making decisions and to an extend, process. You will learn what aspects of your wine consumers like, and what can be improved. You will have data about their first impression, their expectations, and of course their full taste profiles. Do users find your wine too acidic, or too sweet? Maybe they don’t like the aroma but they enjoy the taste?

This data will help you to fine-tune your wine making and make your wines even more amazing then they already are.

So the only question that remains is, will your winery be one of those to gain a competitive edge by embracing innovation today?

The decision is in your hands.

Send us an mail and let’s book a short call to see how we can help you to  start understanding your consumers at an individual level.

By Roger Noujeim March 26, 2020 Comments Off on High Impact, Low Cost Virtual Wine Tasting

Mere weeks ago, the concept of virtual wine tasting was reserved to wineries, wine clubs and liquor retailers who operate with consistent eagerness to be first, passion for innovation, and capacity and willingness to invest in new ideas. Most others were busy with the traditional, day to day operation of their business.
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